クライスラー PTクルーザー のみんなの質問
2010.6.1 21:42
2010.6.8 22:56
○Setting Cruise Control
The cruise control OFF ON switch is located at the end of the multifunction lever.
1. Slide the cruise control OFF ON lever, on the multifunction lever, to ON.
2. Get up to the speed you want.
3. Press the SET button located on the steering wheel and release it.
4. Take your foot off the accelerator.
The CRUISE light on the instrument panel cluster will come on after the cruise control has been set to
the desired speed.
○Resuming a Set Speed
Suppose you set your cruise control at a desired speed and then you apply the brake. This, of course shuts off the cruise control. But you don’t need to reset it.
Once you’re going about 25 mph (40 km/h) or more,
press the RESUME button on your steering wheel. You’ll go back to your chosen speed and stay there.
○Increasing Speed While Using Cruise Control
There are two ways to go to a higher speed:
• Use the accelerator pedal to get to the higher speed. Press the SET button on the steering wheel,then release the button and the accelerator pedal.
You’ll now cruise at the higher speed.
• Press the ACCEL (Accelerate) button on the steering wheel. Hold it there until you get up to the speed you want and then release the button.
(To increase your speed in very small amounts,press the ACCEL button briefly and then release it.Each time you do this, your vehicle will go about 1 mph (1.6 km/h) faster.)
The accelerate feature will only work after you set the cruise control speed by pressing the SET button on the steering wheel.
○Reducing Speed While Using Cruise Control
There are two ways to reduce your speed while using cruise control:
• Press the COAST button on the steering wheel until you reach the lower speed you want, then release it.
• To slow down in very small amounts, press the COAST button on the steering wheel briefly. Each time you do this, you’ll go about 1 mph (1.6 km/h) slower.
○Passing Another Vehicle While Using Cruise Control
Use the accelerator pedal to increase your speed.
When you take your foot off the pedal, your vehicle will slow down to the cruise speed you set earlier.
○Using Cruise Control on Hills
How well your cruise control will work on hills depends upon your speed, load and the steepness of the hills. When going up steep hills, you may have to step on the accelerator pedal to maintain your speed.
When going downhill, you may have to brake or shift to a lower gear to keep your speed down. Of course,
applying the brake takes you out of cruise control. Many drivers find this to be too much trouble and don’t use cruise control on steep hills.
○Ending Cruise Control
There are three ways to cancel the cruise control:
• Step lightly on the brake pedal.
• Slide the OFF ON lever, on the multifunction lever,to OFF.
• Press the COAST and ACCEL buttons at thesame time.
○Erasing Speed Memory
When you turn off the cruise control or the ignition, your cruise control set speed memory is erased.
ベストアンサー:シボレーの HHR です。 PTクルーザーと同じデザイナーだったはずです。
この車はクライスラーのPTクルーザーという車種で合っていますか? 写真は2002年5月26日に撮られたみたいですが、どの年代のモデルか教えてほしいです。
ベストアンサー:合ってるよ。 一世代で終わったよ。
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